How You Or A Loved One Can Cope With Hemorrhoids

Both external and internal hemorrhoids affect millions of people each year. Brush past the embarrassment associated with hemorrhoids and inform yourself on how to treat them by reading these tips.

You can help prevent external hemorrhoids by boosting your hygiene in the bathroom. Using softer toilet tissue and moistened wipes after every bowel movement is important.

Being more hygienic in the bathroom can help you diminish the chances of external hemorrhoid development. Use toilet paper that is soft and will not break easily, and use moistened wipes each time you have a bowel movement.

One of the things that cause hemorrhoids is too much straining during bowel movements. Staying hydrated by consuming more water and cutting back on refined or processed foods is an easy way to soften and ease your bowel movements. The need to strain will also be lessened if you squat during bowel movements. You need a small stool to keep your feet comfortable when you are on the toilet. This squatting position has proven to help pass stools with less stress on the body, and this can be seen in areas around the world where cultures who squat simply do not have the issues with hemorrhoids that the people of the Western world have.

If you are trying too hard when involved in a bowel movement, you may give yourself hemorrhoids. Changing your diet to include less refined foods and drinking more water, will help to make stools easier to pass. Squatting also aids the process and reduces the need to strain during a bowel movement. To achieve this, place your feet on a short stool whenever you sit down to go. Hemorrhoids are less common in countries where people squat instead of sitting.

You can use common household items to help relieve hemorrhoid symptoms. Something as simple as an ice pack from your freezer can provide you with ample relief. Ice packs can be used to lessen the pain you are experiencing. If you place ice packs on you hemorrhoids, they can cut down on the amount of swelling.

Using the sound advice in the article above will help you feel more confident when you are faced with the painful condition of hemorrhoids. You can use your new-found knowledge to help keep hemorrhoids at bay!

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