Simple Ways On How To Deal Easily With Arthritis
Rheumatoid or osteoarthritis affect millions of people, so there’s no shortage of help. While it may all seem too much to cope with at times, the advice contained in this article will give you a few ideas on how to control and live comfortably with this disease.
Ice packs or heat pads are great to relieve joint pain. Alternating back and forth, between hot and cold, may provide the best relief. Before using the heat/cold method, get advice from your doctor about exactly what to do.
Always wear solid, supportive shoes if you have arthritis. Your weight is not distributed evenly if you wear worn out shoes. They are also unduly hard on your leg joints, making arthritis problems there worse. Exchange your exercise shoes for new ones regularly. Inspect your soles for wear, and immediately replace shoes if you find a pattern of uneven wear.
Chronic arthritis may be eased by yoga or meditation, so try these if you think they may help. Studies show that these practices help the body to relax, which can also alleviate painful symptoms. Stick with this approach. For yoga to be effective it should be practiced about 4 times each week.
Try keeping a journal or how arthritis affects your living. The information in your journal can help you determine if there is a pattern to your flare-ups. Your notes can also establish patterns of the types of things that have been helpful. You should also take this diary along when you visit your doctor, so that he has more information to build a better treatment plan with you. A pain diary can also help you determine the exact type of arthritis you are suffering from.
Stretch a little bit every day. Many people dealing with arthritis experience less flexibility. Stretch all your muscles every day and your body will remain flexible. Begin by stretching your feet, and then gradually move up the length of your body until you reach your head.
People of all races, genders and ages suffer from arthritis. If you have a greater understanding of arthritis and how it can affect you, it can make your life much easier to live. Apply what you have learned from the previous paragraphs and you’ll be able to live a better life, free from debilitating arthritis pain.